
Become a “Linked Blessing”

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We work towards ensuring a life free from inequity and discrimination due to socioeconomic factors like access to : Administrative services in communities, safe housing, Customized services, products, 101 community discussions, community services, entrepreneurship assistance, business development services, healthy foods, transportation, and utilities (heat, electricity, water).

Physical environment: Location of housing, freedom from gun violence, lead-poisoning risks in plumbing, safe places to walk and/or exercise.

Social factors: Risks of depression, domestic violence, or social isolation.
The list goes on!!!!!!!!
We organize inclusive events for clients and communities.
Help us create programs, services, products, and resources for people who want to enhance their social and cultural well-being.

Help us raise money for THE MENLINKS COMMUNITY and support our mission.
“The mission of our agency is to provide essential lifestyle products and services that contribute to a more inclusive social and cultural environment, despite socioeconomic disparities.”

Donation Contributions

Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5, Link 6, Link 7, Link 8, Link 9, Link 10 Elite, Custom Donation, Chemo Care Package Donation


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