Employer Identification Number (EIN)



An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a federal tax identification number, and is used to identify a business.

We assist with obtaining your free EIN from the IRS.
If you are just starting your business or have already been operating as a sole proprietor, you should consider forming an LLC (If you need assistance contact our office). LLCs limit an owner’s personal liability for business debts and lawsuits and offer a lot of flexibility when it comes to ownership, management, and taxation of the business.

Any entity operating in the state of Mississippi may be liable for taxes and should register with the Department of Revenue. If you have questions, you may call the Department of Revenue at (601) 923-7700, contact them by e-mail, or refer to information concerning the Mississippi Tax Structure.

You may register for most taxes online through TAP. Although many taxes are not yet available for online access, you may register for new tax accounts using TAP.

Please allow 7-10 days for processing.

Once payment is received additional information will be emailed to you.

Create a free business email account at http://www.gmail.com. All transactions will be sent to your business email account.


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